Expert Reviewers

Our Expert Reviewers are language experts who have kindly given their time to carefully review the text of our stories. They help to ensure our content is of the highest quality and free from errors.

Only experts who meet our high standards are eligible to be featured as an Expert Reviewer. It is not an advert. We do not accept payment to be displayed as an Expert Reviewer.

When an expert wishes to be featured as an Expert Reviewer, they send us information about themselves and the content they want to link to. We carefully review this to ensure they really are an expert, and that their content is of high quality.

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The links to our Expert Reviewers are not lasting endorsements. Although we check our experts’ resources when we first add the link, we can’t make any guarantees about those resources, as external resources can change and are beyond our control. We endeavour to continue checking these links from time to time, and will remove any that no longer meet our standards. If you feel a link should be removed, please inform us.