Histoire: Baby's Fine Dining (Les Fines Bouchées du Bébé)

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Mum and Dad were food critics, and they had a problem. Their baby girl wasn’t eating any of the food they gave her.
Dad squeezed a blob of baby food (called “Baby’s Delight” Pea and Plum) onto a spoon. All the food critic magazines said it was the best food for babies.
“Yum, yum!” said Dad to the baby.
The baby turned away.
“My darling,” he said, “Mummy and Daddy know best. We’re food critics. This is the best brand available.”
“Maybe she prefers more expensive brands?” said Mum.
So Dad left and came back with some new baby food. The box was very artistic. It said: “Little Treasures” Mango and Broccoli.
“Delicious!” said Mum to the baby. “I wrote an article about this last week. It’s a very fashionable flavour.”
But when she tried to feed it to the baby, the baby started to cry.
Dad looked worried. “What are we going to do? We’re giving her the best food, but she won’t eat!”
Then the baby saw some vegetables in the kitchen. She pointed to them. Mum picked up the baby and carried her into the kitchen. The baby looked at the vegetables. Her eyes were wide and full of wonder.
The baby pointed at a carrot.
“You want some of this, my sweetheart?” asked the Mum.
The baby smiled and nodded. Then she pointed again.
“With an apple?” asked Dad.
The baby grabbed it. Then she pointed to a bag of spinach.
“That combination is very unfashionable,” said Mum. “But if it’s what you want, sweetheart…”
Mum cooked the vegetables and mixed them together. When she fed it to the baby, the baby ate it happily. She clapped her hands and giggled.
Mum and Dad did not look happy. Mum was holding her hand against her forehead. Dad’s face was pale.
“She’s the daughter of two food critics…” said Mum.
“And she disagrees with us…” said Dad.
“It’s even worse!” cried Mum. She sat down.
Dad realised the terrible truth. “My God – she’s a chef!”