Story: Lo Sport della Lettura (The Sport of Reading)

Language Italian – A story for learners of Italian who speak English
Level A1 (1 of 6) – Basic (Beginner) What's this?
  1. Try to understand the story.
  2. Only look at the translation if you get stuck.
  3. Compare the languages to learn new words and phrases! Learn more

A Lilia piace Luca, un ragazzo della sua classe. Lui ama lo sport, ma Lilia no. Lilia ama leggere. Si sente triste – non ha nessuna possibilità con Luca.

Lily likes Luke, a boy in her class. He loves sport, but Lily doesn’t. Lily loves to read. She feels sad – she has no chance with Luke.

Un giorno, Lilia vede Luca lasciar cadere un libro. Lilia è eccitata. A Luca piace leggere? Poi vede il titolo del libro. Si chiama Tutto Sullo Sport.

One day, Lily sees Luke drop a book. Lily is excited. Does Luke like to read? Then she sees the title of the book. It is called Everything About Sport.

Ma Lilia ha un’idea. Raccoglie il libro. Lo porta a casa e lo legge tutto.

But Lily has an idea. She picks up the book. She takes it home and reads all of it.

Il giorno dopo, Lilia vede Luca. Gli restituisce il suo libro.

The next day, Lily sees Luke. She gives him back his book.

“Ho letto il tuo libro,” dice.

“I read your book,” she says.

Luca sembra sorpreso. “Ti è piaciuto?” chiede.

Luke looks surprised. “Did you enjoy it?” he asks.

“Adoro leggere,” dice Lilia. “Ora so tutto su calcio, cricket, hockey e tennis. Possiamo parlarne.”

“I love to read,” says Lily. “Now I know about football, cricket, hockey and tennis. We can talk about them.”

Luca ride. “Ma a me non piace lo sport,” dice.

Luke laughs. “But I don’t like sport,” he says.

“Cosa?” dice Lilia.

“What?” says Lily.

“I miei genitori e i miei insegnanti mi dicono di giocare,” dice Luca. “In realtà, adoro leggere, anch’io.”

“My parents and teachers tell me to play,” says Luke. “Actually, I love to read, too.”



“Vieni in biblioteca con me. È il mio posto preferito. Ti mostrerò un libro più interessante di Tutto Sullo Sport.”

“Come to the library with me. It’s my favourite place. I will show you a more interesting book than Everything About Sport.”

The names in our stories are changed, rather than translated, between language versions. Learn more