Story: L'Évasion sur l'Île (The Island Escape)

Language French – A story for learners of French who speak English
Level A2 (2 of 6) – Basic (Essentials) What's this?
  1. Try to understand the story.
  2. Only look at the translation if you get stuck.
  3. Compare the languages to learn new words and phrases! Learn more

Jacques habitait dans une petite ville. Tout le monde aimait y vivre, sauf Jacques. Tout le monde pensait que c’était une jolie ville, sauf Jacques.

Jack lived in a small town. Everyone liked to live there, except Jack. Everyone thought it was a pretty town, except Jack.

Jacques voulait quitter le pays. Il voulait voir de nouveaux lieux. Des lieux magnifiques. Alors il a acheté un bateau. Cette soirée-là, il a commencé son voyage.

Jack wanted to leave the country. He wanted to see new places. Beautiful places. So he bought a boat. That evening, he started his journey.

La troisième nuit, il y a eu une grande tempête. Le vent et les vagues poussaient son bateau en avant et en arrière, à gauche et à droite. Très rapidement, il s’est perdu.

On the third night, there was a big storm. The wind and waves pushed his boat forward and backward, left and right. Very quickly, he was lost.

Jacques s’est réveillé sur une île. C’était magnifique. Il y avait des arbres avec des fruits savoureux, et beaucoup de poissons dans la mer. Jacques était seul, mais il était heureux.

Jack woke up on an island. It was beautiful. There were trees with tasty fruit, and lots of fish in the sea. Jack was alone, but he was happy.

“Ce pays est magnifique,” s’est dit Jacques. “C’est là que je voulais vivre.”

“This country is beautiful,” Jack said to himself. “This is where I wanted to live.”

Un jour, il a grimpé un grand arbre. Il a regardé autour de lui et a vu quelque chose. Il y avait des lumières au loin. Il a regardé attentivement. Puis il a été surpris.

One day, he climbed a tall tree. He looked around and saw something. There were lights in the distance. He looked carefully. Then he was surprised.

“C’est ma ville !” a-t-il dit. “C’est ma maison !”

“That’s my town!” he said. “That’s my house!”

Son île n’était pas loin de sa ville. Il a ri. Son pays était plus beau qu’il ne le savait.

His island was not far from his town. He laughed. His country was more beautiful than he knew.

Jacques est retourné à son bateau. Il est rentré chez lui. Il était heureux de revoir ses voisins. Ce soir-là, ils ont dîné ensemble.

Jack returned to his boat. He went home. He was happy to see his neighbours again. That evening, they had dinner together.

Son aventure lui avait appris quelque chose d’important. Parfois, ce que l’on cherche est plus proche que l’on ne pense.

His adventure had taught him something important. Sometimes, what we’re looking for is closer than we think.

The names in our stories are changed, rather than translated, between language versions. Learn more