Story: Living in Harmony

Language English – A story for learners of English
Level B1 (3 of 6) – Intermediate (Functional) What's this?

“Hi, I’m moving in today,” said Jeremy, smiling.

“Oh, me too!” said Victoria, twirling her hair.

Jeremy was carrying his suitcase and his guitar. Victoria was wearing a business suit and was holding lots of papers. They walked into the apartment block together, talking happily. Then they both stopped in front of the same door.

They checked their contracts again. It was very clear. They hadn’t noticed it before. But it was too late now. They were going to be flatmates.

“I’ve never lived with someone else,” said Victoria, worried.

“I’m sure we’ll get along really well,” said Jeremy.

They didn’t get along well at all. Victoria was an entrepreneur, and she needed peace and quiet to plan her business strategy. Jeremy was an aspiring musician, and he played his guitar both day and night. Jeremy liked to keep the house clean, to clear his mind. Victoria was too busy, and left her clothes and plates everywhere.

“I’ve had enough!” shouted Victoria. “Stop playing that awful guitar! You will never be successful. Your music sounds like a donkey fell on the strings!”

“This house is such a mess, I can’t be creative!” Jeremy retorted. “You’re so disorganised, your business will never have any customers. Even if someone gave you some money, you’d lose it under all these clothes!”

They both went to their bedrooms and slammed the doors. In the morning, they agreed: “We’ll both move out.”

Over the next week, they packed their things. They didn’t talk. The mood was very strange. Jeremy wanted to play his guitar, but he didn’t want to make Victoria even angrier. For the same reason, Victoria cleared up her plates when she finished eating.

Finally it was the day they were leaving. Victoria’s taxi had arrived.

“Don’t forget this,” said Jeremy, with a little smile. He gave Victoria one of her socks.

“Oh, thanks,” Victoria replied, looking shy.

Victoria walked to the door with her suitcase.

“Well… goodbye,” she said.

“Bye,” said Jeremy.

Jeremy went into his bedroom. He heard the door slam. He sighed. He got out his guitar and he began to play.

“She came into my life / Now she’s gone away,” he sang softly. “When she achieves her dream / I won’t be there… to see her smile.”

“I said some awful things / I didn’t mean them at all,” sang Victoria, out of tune. She had come into the room quietly. “I thought I wanted silence / But I keep singing his songs.”